Thursday, November 7, 2013

Tell me a story The Little Mermaid

Like I said before in a previous post I love the story of The Little Mermaid. But I love THE REAL STORY of The Little Mermaid because I believe that version has more meaning to it then Disney's.

The story that I will write about is based of the real story of The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Anderson.


Once upon a time there lived a young princess who was always curious about the world around her. For you see this princess lives in a kingdom far beneath the sea for this princess is actually a Mermaid Princess. And today was a vary special day for the little mermaid princess for it was her 15th birthday and by tradition when a Mermaid turns 15 they are allowed to visit the surface and explore the human world. Today I will get to see the human world the mermaid cried out happily.
Yes you will said her father and just like your sisters before you wherever you roam you must bring credit to our people. Yes I'll do my best to do so Father. Good luck little sis her older sisters said.
Goodbye everyone wish me luck. Be safe my dear said her mother and remember that you must never make contact with those strange creature's who walk on there back tails. But the little mermaid was too excited that she didn't that last part for her heart was pounding more and more joy as she reached closer to the ocean surface. Oh my how beautiful the little mermaid said looking up at the moon. That huge light is just like the yellow one that is out during the daytime and there are also tinier lights twinkling around it. Suddenly there was aloud noise coming form behind her and at first it frighten the little mermaid but because of her curiosity she wanted to find out what it was. She followed the sound to where it was coming from before long she found herself in front of a huge ship. What could they be celebrating? I must find out.

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