Friday, November 15, 2013

inspiring images

This is a place I want to escape to right now. A place where no one else lives here but I. Everyday I go down to the shore looking for seashells, putting my feet in the water letting the sand and water run through my toes, feeling the wind through on my face and hair, and hearing the seagulls flying above. Sometimes when I would feel like it I would go play on the swing that's on top of the hill above the beach and when I was done I would sit under the tree's cool shade eating some of the apples from its branches. Then when the day is over I would go back to my little house that's on top of the hill and stay there till the next morning. Sometimes when I felt like it was would write my thoughts on both a journal and on a piece of paper and on that piece of paper I would place it in a bottle because according from what I heard somewhere along time ago "Write your wish on a paper and place it inside a small bottle If it's thrown into the sea then that wish will come true one day." What is that wish you might ask? Well I can't tell what it is but what I can tell you is that I know that some day these wishes of mine will one day be granted.


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