Monday, September 9, 2013

Color: Sight and Sound Theater

One place that would be the most colorful place to visit is the Sight and Sound Theater. The Sight and Sound Theater is a place where you can see the bible come to life that tell the stories of great people who lived long ago leading up to the one story about THE GREATEST MAN WHO EVER LIVED :JESUS.Their mission is to bring families together and show them THE GLORY OF GOD AND ALL HIS WONDERS AND TRUTHS. The shows here bring excitement and joy to people from showing the stories from THE CREATION to THE EASTER STORY to THE JOURNEY OF PAUL.They hope to bring memories that families can share for a lifetime.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard a lot about this place, and I can see why you are drawn to it. Such epic stories that must come alive in these performances. Hope you get to visit again sometime.
