Friday, August 23, 2013

learn how to knit

 kitting is one of my favorite hobbies. I've been doing it since late April  and what's interesting about it is that I taught myself how to knit by going on YouTube. So far I've knitted 2 baby blankets, a dog collar, and just now a pair of legwarmers. The reason why I got into knitting was because of one of my favorite movies from when I was little called " The Wild Swans (1977)" the story is about a young princess who must spend 6 years knitting shirts out stinging nettles to free her brothers from an evil spell without saying a single word of smiling  or her brothers will die.


In the future I hope to get better at knitting and maybe knit a sweater myself.

My advice to anyone who wants to learn how to knit is to go online and see what you'll need to get started. if you don't have a computer go to your local library and check out some books. Then when buying your supplies  pick out a simple color or a color that you like make sure that you get the normal size ball of yarn and not any of the thick, heavy, bulky or large ball's of yarn wait until you get better at knitting. Now for the needle's  when staring out I'd start with a size 8 because there easy to use when starting. Now I can't  actually show you how to start knitting but I can give you the link on where to go Here it is
This  site helped me out a lot and I hope it helps you out too.


1 comment:

  1. I am envious of your knitting skills. Not only do you get to produce interesting (and adorable) creations of your own design, the process itself just seems so calming and meditative. I hope your hobby continues to give you happiness throughout your life. Thanks for sharing your ideas here, Hannah.
