Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spooky share

The three stores I read where both vary sad and scary at the same time.

Bleeding  heart was about a girl who would kidnap and literally eat her victims witch is similar to a song by vocaloid that I like called EVIL FOOD EATER. (This song is part of the "Seven Deadly Sins" series. This song focuses on Gluttony(Gula). This song is about a woman who ate only the most delicious food. Now her taste for her food have changed and she wants to eat something new and gross everyday. Nothing enters and leaves her palace. Soon she eats her chefs, her butler and her maid. When she has nothing left to eat she proceeds to eating herself which no one would know what she tastes like.)

Sup is to sad but I can say that it sounds like something that could end up being a novel one day.

All I can say about coming after you is that  even though I have never AND WILL NEVER SEE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE  It reminds me of  what I've heard about that movie.

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